Pedaggio autostradale

Drivers fined $344 for failing to pay toll within 15 days

The Evolution of Highway Toll Payment in Italy

For those who travel on highways, paying tolls is a well-known aspect.
Whether it’s cash or cards at the toll booth or systems like Telepass, little changes.
In case of inability to pay immediately, one can opt for the so-called “deferred payment” by requesting a receipt at the toll booth to settle the amount at a later time while exiting the highway.

The Dreaded Toll Booth Queue

The queue at the toll booth is one of the most dreaded moments for drivers, often resulting in a significant waste of time that slows down traffic, especially when motorists take endless minutes to find money or to pull over correctly.
All this hints at an outdated system, which is why alternative methods have already been activated.

Highway without Toll Booth in Italy

To eliminate queues caused by toll payment procedures at toll booths, alternative methods have been introduced, one of which is as functional as it is surprising: the free-flow tolling system.
In sections of highways where this is applied, there is a free flow of traffic without any toll-gated structures.
This system, known as free-flow, is already in use in other countries like France but is not yet common.

In Italy, there is currently only one highway section of this kind: the Pedemontana, which is unique in Italy and among the first in Europe.
This refers to the A36 between Cassano Magnago and Lomazzo, the Como ring road between Grandate and Acquanegra, and the Varese ring road between Gazzada and Vedano Olona.

344 Euro Fine for Non-Payment within 15 Days

In the Lombard Pedemontana highway, the free-flow system is adopted, meaning there are no toll booths or payment areas.
As mentioned earlier, the portals capture the license plates of passing vehicles to collect the payment.
This payment must be made strictly within 15 days of passing, failing which a fine ranging from 87 to 344 euros, as per Article 176 of the Highway Code regarding non-payment of tolls, will be imposed.

Furthermore, as stipulated in Article 126 of the Highway Code, drivers who do not pay the toll within 15 days will also have 2 points deducted from their driving license.
Even foreign plates do not offer any protection, as a specific system has been set up to ensure the potential recovery of debts and related penalties.

How to Pay the Toll without a Toll Booth

Those who have a Telepass or another on-board device need not worry about tolls, as they will be automatically debited when passing under the detection portals, just like when passing through a toll booth.
Others can choose from various payment methods:

  • Pedemontana rechargeable card associated with the vehicle’s license plate
  • Online payment through the official website’s reserved area
  • Pedemontana mobile application
  • Intesa Sanpaolo Group’s ATM branch service via CBILL
  • Intesa Sanpaolo account holders’ home banking via CBILL
  • Green point (cash or card) at Pedemontana highway or service points
  • License plate account for automatic debit
  • Through Poste Italiane, website, or post office

It is crucial to complete the payment within 15 days to avoid penalties.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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