
The Cost of Microchipping Dogs: A Look at Economic and Political Implications

The Importance of Microchipping Your Dog

Considered man’s best friends, pets provide us with companionship in both the best and worst moments of our lives.
They ask for nothing in return but love and care.
For dog owners, ensuring the well-being of their furry friends is a top priority.
This includes fulfilling legal obligations such as microchipping.

Is Microchipping Mandatory for Dogs? Who to Turn to?

Starting from November 5, 2024, microchipping is mandatory for dogs in Italy.
This measure aims to identify the dog and its owner, combat strays, and enforce the compulsory registration of all dogs in the Canine Registry.
Microchipping offers multiple benefits, discouraging abandonment, aiding in finding lost dogs, and facilitating travel abroad, as dogs without a microchip are not allowed to do so.

For dogs born before 2004, microchipping is highly recommended, although legally, a recognition tattoo is accepted.
The microchip, a tiny electronic device, is about 8-10 millimeters in length and 1-2 millimeters in diameter, complying with ISO standards.
It must be implanted subcutaneously by a veterinarian.
Owners must ensure microchipping within 60 days of the dog’s birth to avoid hefty fines.

Microchip Costs for Dogs in Italy

Currently, there is no national veterinary tariff.
Therefore, microchipping costs vary between regions and veterinarians.
On average, prices range from €25 to €40.
Southern cities like Bari have lower costs (€34) compared to Rome (€43) and Milan (€49).
Additionally, in Rome, a registration fee of €8 is typically required.
ASL facilities generally offer lower-cost microchipping services.

To save on microchipping expenses, individuals can benefit from ASL services offering free or low-cost microchips for puppies.
Some animal welfare associations also organize free microchipping campaigns.
Stay updated on these events by checking their websites or regional health department portals.

Microchip Implantation for Dogs

Microchips for dogs employ RFID technology, using radio-frequency waves harmless to animals and owners.
This unique 15-digit code functions as the dog’s identity card, accessible only by authorized veterinarians.
The painless insertion process involves placing the microchip under the dog’s skin on the left side of the neck using sterile disposable syringes.

After microchipping, owners must register their dogs in the Canine Registry by providing owner and pet details.
Only adults can request microchipping for dogs, as minors cannot legally own pets.
Annual veterinary check-ups are recommended to monitor the dog’s health proactively.
Taking preventive measures, such as microchipping, ensures the safety and well-being of our beloved companions.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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