Prestazione Occasionale

Latest Updates on Occasional Work Allowance from INPS

Important Updates on Occasional Work Performance

In a message dated July 23, 2024, the National Social Security Institute (INPS) provided significant clarifications regarding occasional work performance.
This message, number 2701, aligns with the provisions of Legislative Decree 50 of April 24, 2017, announcing updates for occasional work providers.

Data Insertion and Updates

Starting from July 2024, there are new requirements for users of the “Libretto Famiglia” and the Occasional Work Contract.
Occasional workers must update and insert their contact and registry information in the My INPS reserved area.
This initiative aims to streamline communications directed at users of occasional work performance.
These communications may include notifications sent to Libretto Famiglia users and Occasional Work Contract holders either via email or SMS, regarding:

– For Libretto Famiglia providers: the user’s communication of the completed work performance and its related terms.
– For Occasional Work Contract providers: the user’s declaration transmitted prior to the work performance, indicating the general terms and any potential revocation of the declaration in case of non-completion.

Updating Procedure

Occasional workers accessing the My INPS reserved area must update or insert their data using a procedure that ensures the presence of updated information, guaranteeing correct management of occasional work performance.
This message from INPS represents a step forward in enhancing the technological advancements of the services offered.

What is the “Libretto Famiglia”?

The “Libretto Famiglia” is a tool used to compensate sporadic occasional performances by individuals without a VAT number.
The minimum compensation is €10 gross, which includes both INPS contributions and INAIL premiums for the service provider.
Acting as an intermediary between the user and the worker, all performances must be communicated to INPS via the “Libretto Famiglia” platform.
This telematic wallet must be opened on the INPS platform to deposit the amounts intended for the remuneration of various sporadic work types, including housework, babysitting, elderly care, home and garden maintenance, private lessons, and school tutoring.

Occasional Work Contract

Unlike the “Libretto Famiglia,” the Occasional Work Contract regulates sporadic work performances between companies and workers.
Various types of users can resort to this contract, each with specific characteristics and limitations.
Professionals, freelancers, entrepreneurs, associations, foundations, private entities, public administrations, local authorities, hotels, tourism facilities, congress, fair, event organizers, thermal spas, amusement parks, nonprofit organizations, and associations can use this contract, provided they comply with economic limits and work typologies.
Registration on the dedicated INPS platform is required for usage.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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