Speciale Financial Times

Population Aging Will Forever Change Nestlé Products. Here’s How

Nestlé’s Focus on Nutrition for Aging Populations

Nestlé’s CEO stated that catering to aging populations has become one of the company’s main priorities as the world’s largest food company and pioneer of infant formulas grapples with declining birth rates worldwide.
Mark Schneider emphasized the long-term trend towards lower birth rates globally and highlighted the significant increase in the over 50 age group in most countries over the next 10-20 years.

Product Development for Aging Populations

Nestlé is dedicated to developing products that directly address the concerns of aging populations, focusing on maintaining a target weight, preserving muscle mass, avoiding micronutrient deficiencies, and controlling blood sugar levels.
The company has already heavily invested in specialized nutrition, including fortified beverages, protein powders, vitamins, and supplements.

Diversification and Market Strategies

Over the past 15 years, major food giants such as Nestlé, Danone, and Mars have diversified into faster-growing sectors like specialized nutrition, pet care, and coffee.
Nestlé’s portfolio is predominantly oriented towards adult and medical nutrition, whereas Danone focuses more on infant nutrition.

Challenges and Opportunities in China

Nestlé faced challenges in China due to errors in strategy, including the acquisition of the peanut milk brand Yinlu and market share losses in infant formula.
Factors like declining birth rates in the country and missed opportunities have prompted the company to reevaluate its approach.

Intersection with Obesity Medication and Healthy Aging

The opportunity to provide nutritional products for aging populations intersects with the rise of obesity medications.
Products like Nestlé’s Vital Pursuit – protein and fiber-rich ready meals targeted at individuals using weight-loss drugs like GLP-1 – cater to specific nutritional needs for healthy aging and weight management.

Expanding into Pet Care Market

Nestlé’s growth strategy also includes the pet care market, tapping into the trend of premiumization in wealthier markets where pets are regarded as full-fledged family members.
The company offers innovative products such as smart litter boxes for cats that monitor health conditions based on behavior and weight changes.

By anticipating demographic shifts and consumer trends, Nestlé is positioning itself at the forefront of nutritional innovation for both human and animal populations, adapting to evolving market dynamics and changing consumer preferences.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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