Autonomia differenziata

Referendum on Differentiated Autonomy: Voting Date, Question, Signature Collection, and Polls

Referendum on Differentiated Autonomy: Opposition Parties in Action

With the exception of Azione, opposition parties are maneuvering regarding the referendum on differentiated autonomy.
The five Regions led by the center-left are working to let citizens have a say on the law definitively approved by the center-right majority on June 19.

The Differentiated Autonomy

Differentiated Autonomy is part of the government’s electoral program and has long been a flagship issue for the League.
After abandoning any secessionist intentions, the League has opted to focus on granting greater powers to the Regions.

The Referendum Process

To request the abrogative referendum – total or partial – of a law, it is necessary to collect 500,000 signatures by September 30 or a request from at least five Regional Councils.
The center-left seems to be leaning towards the second option to speed up the process.

The Referendum Question

The referendum question to repeal the Differentiated Autonomy law has been deposited at the Court of Cassation.
The opposition, supported by over thirty parties, entities, and unions, is driving this initiative forward.

The question is: “Do you want the law no.
86 of June 26, 2024, ‘Provisions for the implementation of differentiated autonomy of Regions with ordinary statute according to article 116, third paragraph, of the Constitution’ to be repealed?”

Parties Involved

The PD, the 5 Star Movement, Green-Left Alliance, Italia Viva, and +Europa have supported this referendum initiative.
At the moment, Azione, despite being critical of the law, has not joined the referendum against Differentiated Autonomy.

Potential Timing of the Referendum

In several Italian Regions, from Campania to Puglia, committees have been formed to collect signatures for the abrogative referendum of the Differentiated Autonomy law.
At least 500,000 signatures need to be collected by September 30.

If all goes smoothly with the question, signature collection, and regional votes, the abrogative referendum on Differentiated Autonomy could take place between April and June 2025.

Public Opinion and Polls

Several polls regarding Differentiated Autonomy have been conducted recently.
One by Euromedia Research on June 26 showed 35% in favor, 40.6% against, and 24.4% undecided.

Another poll by Piepoli on June 21 indicated varying degrees of agreement with Differentiated Autonomy, with 19% very much in favor, 35% somewhat, 24% a little, and 14% not at all.

These polls highlight the divisive nature of the Differentiated Autonomy referendum among Italians, with many still undecided, potentially shaping the outcome of any future consultation.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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