Agevolazioni fiscali

New University ISEE thresholds: no taxes up to €27,726: updates and discounts upcoming.

Planning for the Academic Year 2024/2025

As the academic year 2024/2025 approaches, students are already thinking about their University ISEE to pay fewer taxes.
After a long school or academic year, before starting to enjoy the summer, they are beginning to plan for the upcoming academic year that will start in September.
Registrations at many universities have already started, while others will begin shortly, and students must proceed with enrollment for the following year.

The Importance of Updated University ISEE

Before doing so, it is always advisable to have an updated University ISEE because it allows for reduced tax payments and sometimes even exemption from fees.
Furthermore, when the ISEE is very low, it is possible to obtain various benefits at the university level.

The decree signed by the Director-General of Higher Education and the Right to Study sets the maximum limit for ISEE and ISPE to access benefits related to the right to study.
The recent Directorial Decree 318 dated March 14, 2024, stipulates that both ISPE and ISEE are redefined based on the 2023 average annual variation of consumer prices, which has been identified at 5.4%.
This raises the ISEE threshold from 26,306.25 euros of the previous year to 27,726.79 euros for the current academic year.

Universities will need to adjust their systems to the new parameters of tax relief.
While individual universities have the autonomy to adjust the ISEE thresholds, setting different ones for accessing the right to study benefits, they must not exceed a decrease of up to 30% of the national values.

No More University Fees with an ISEE up to 27,726.79 euros

Many universities have already opted for the new exemption threshold, which in some cases is even higher.
This is excellent news for families with a low ISEE: the no tax area for university fees will be raised from 26,306.25 euros to 27,726.79 euros.
The discounts, ranging from 10% to 80%, based on the ISEE, remain unchanged.

The decree states: “The maximum limits of the Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator (ISEE) and the Equivalent Property Situation Indicator (ISPE) for accessing benefits related to the right to study, as determined by the aforementioned d.d.
204/2023, are updated for the academic year 2024/2025, with reference to the variation in the Istat general index of consumer prices for workers and employees’ families corresponding to a value of +5.4%.
Therefore, they are defined as follows: maximum ISEE limit: 27,726.79 euros; maximum ISPE limit: 60,275.66 euros.” Read more about Tax Deductions for Education Expenses in 2024.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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