Deduzioni fiscali

New Hiring Superbonus up to 130% now available: Who is Eligible?

Superbonus Assunzioni: What It Entails and Who is Eligible

The implementation decree for the Superbonus Assunzioni, the measure that provides for a tax deduction of up to 130%, has been widely anticipated and is taking shape thanks to a decree by the Minister of Economy and Finance, in agreement with the Minister of Labour and Social Policies.
This decree outlines the implementation methods of Article 4 of Legislative Decree No.
216 of December 30, 2023.

Understanding the Superbonus Assunzioni up to 130%

Article 4 of Legislative Decree No.
2016 of December 30, 2023 stipulates that the cost of newly hired personnel under an open-ended employment contract is increased, for income determination purposes, by an amount equal to 20% of the cost attributable to the increase in employment.

With the decree issued on June 25th, this provision becomes applicable.
The Superbonus Assunzioni is a measure aimed at facilitating the hiring of new permanent staff in a company.
It is only applicable if there is a real increase in the workforce within the company.
According to the decree,

it is applicable for the hiring of employees under open-ended contracts, with contracts in place at the end of the tax period following that in progress on December 31, 2023, if the number of employees under open-ended contracts at the end of the tax period following that in progress on December 31, 2023, is higher than the number of employees under open-ended contracts on average employed in the previous tax period.

Employers receive a 100% reduction in contributions, to which a 20% increase is added.
This increase rises to 30% in the case of hiring individuals who are difficult to place in the workforce.
We will soon see who these individuals are.

The reduction takes the form of a maximum deduction from the income amounts increased, consequently leading to a reduced taxable base for income taxes.
It should be noted that the reduction does not concern INAIL contributions.

The benefit can be availed by income from business and self-employed professionals.
Companies undergoing regular liquidation, judicial liquidation, or other liquidation institutes related to corporate crises are not eligible for the benefit.

Subject to Superbonus 130%

Individuals eligible for an additional 10% benefit as identified in Annex 1 to Legislative Decree No.
216 of December 30, 2023, include: individuals with recognized disabilities; former recipients of citizenship income who do not meet the requirements for access to the Inclusion Allowance, mothers with at least two minor children or without a regularly paid job; women without a regularly paid job for at least six months residing in regions eligible for funding under EU Structural Funds and in disadvantaged areas; victims of violence; young people admitted to employment incentives.

As previously announced, for the hiring of these workers, the maximum tax deduction reaches up to 130%.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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