Elezioni regionali Piemonte 2024

Results of 2024 Piedmont regional elections LIVE: Cirio wins, Democratic Party ahead of Brothers of Italy

Results of the 2024 Regional Elections in Piemonte

The counting of votes for the 2024 Piemonte regional elections began at 2 p.m., following the precedence given to the European elections the night before, as was the case five years ago.
Exit polls indicate that the current center-right President Alberto Cirio is leading by a wide margin and is almost certain to be reconfirmed.

Real-time Tracking of the 2024 Piemonte Regional Elections

You can follow the real-time counting of the 2024 Piemonte regional elections, including all the results for presidential candidates and party lists, until the official data is announced.

Partial Results of the Piemonte 2024 Regional Elections

Vote counting for the 2024 Piemonte regional elections started on Monday, June 10th at 2 p.m.
These are the partial results after the counting of 636 sections out of 4,795.

Alberto Cirio|Forza Italia (9.34%), Lega (8.90%), Fratelli d’Italia (23.68%), Piemonte Liberale e Moderato (10.23%), Noi Moderati (0.77%)|52.62%
Alberto Costanzo|Libertà (0.89%)|1.04%
Sarah Disabato|Movimento 5 Stelle (6.53%)|8.23%
Francesca Frediani|Piemonte Popolare (1.14%)|1.43%
Gianna Pentenero|Pd (25.61%), Alleanza Verdi-Sinistra (7.87%), Stati Uniti d’Europa (2.61%), Piemonte Ambientalista e Solidale (0.94%), Pentenero Presidente (1.47%)|36.67%

Given that no runoff is planned, the candidate who manages to secure even a single vote more than their opponents will be elected as the President of the Piemonte Region.

Piemonte 2024 Elections: Dates and Times

The Piemonte regional elections took place on the same dates as the European elections and the first round of local elections: Saturday, June 8th, and Sunday, June 9th.
There were some novelties regarding the opening and closing times of the polling stations:
– Saturday, June 8th: from 3:00 pm to 11:00 pm
– Sunday, June 9th: from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm
Similar to what happened five years ago, the counting process gave priority to the European elections, then moved to the regional elections starting at 2:00 pm on Monday, June 10th, and finally to the local elections in the municipalities tasked with electing a new mayor.

Electoral Law

The electoral law for the Piemonte regional elections was amended in early July 2023, approved by the Regional Council with 31 in favor, 10 abstentions, and 2 against.
The electoral system changed as follows: 40 seats are allocated proportionally in competing district lists, while 10 seats are assigned through a majority system based on regional lists linked to the presidential candidate.

The distribution of seats is as follows:
– Alessandria: 4
– Asti: 2
– Biella: 2
– Cuneo: 5
– Novara: 3
– Torino: 21
– Verbano-Cusio-Ossola: 1
– Vercelli: 2

The majority bonus stipulates that the winning coalition must obtain at least 55% of the seats (28 seats) if they win with less than 45% of valid votes, 60% of the seats (30 seats) if they win with 45% to less than 60% of valid votes, and 64% of the seats (32 seats) if they win with 60% or more of valid votes.
The electoral constituencies remain unchanged, while the thresholds for coalitions and individual lists are set at 5% and 3% of valid votes, respectively.

The gender parity principle is upheld, with neither gender representing more than 60% of candidates in district or regional lists, introducing gender preference allowing voters to express up to 2 preferences, canceling the second one if both are of the same gender.
Split voting is also allowed.

Candidates and Lists in the Piemonte Regional Elections

After leading the center-right back to leadership in the region by defeating the incumbent President Sergio Chiamparino, Alberto Cirio recently announced his willingness to run for re-election.
The center-right will once again support the incumbent president, with full backing from the coalition parties.
On the other hand, the center-left is facing internal divisions.

The Democratic Party announced that their candidate for the Piemonte regional elections will be Gianna Pentenero, the current councilor of the City of Turin.
This move could bring Azione and Italia Viva closer to the Democrats, while a split occurred with the 5-Star Movement.

The 5-Star Movement chose to support Sarah Disabato as their candidate, while the remaining candidates in these regional elections are lawyer Alberto Costanzo for Liberty and Francesca Frediani for Piemonte Popolare.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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