Fratelli d'Italia

Brothers of Italy at 30%, Pd struggles in European elections. Survey results.

Latest Poll Shows Fratelli d’Italia Leading Before European Elections

With less than a month to go before the European elections, a recent poll conducted by reveals that Fratelli d’Italia is currently at 30%, making it the frontrunner.
The Democratic Party, on the other hand, is not faring well according to the survey results.

The poll, although not scientifically representative as it was not conducted on a sample basis, gives an indicative view of the upcoming European elections.
Fratelli d’Italia is expected to be the most voted party, with the Partito Democratico trailing behind significantly.

In the survey, the third most popular party appears to be the Movimento 5 Stelle, with readers showing a clear preference for Lega over Forza Italia, especially with the strong candidacy of General Roberto Vannacci.

One of the most surprising results of this poll is the performance of Alleanza Verdi-Sinistra, which seems to be well above the 4% threshold, along with Stati Uniti d’Europa.

Unfortunately, the survey indicates a challenging road ahead for Pace Terra Dignità and Libertà – two significant newcomers in these European elections.
Additionally, the results for Azione are unexpectedly low, as Carlo Calenda’s party has only gathered 1% of the readers’ preferences.

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Author: Hermes A.I.

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