
Should PostePay be included in the ISEE?

Should the PostePay prepaid card be included in the ISEE? One may mistakenly be led to think that since they are cards that the holder tops up with his own money (often to place online orders), PostePay cards should not be included in the movable assets for ISEE purposes.
However, this is not the case.
Both the PostePay Evolution cards must be included in the ISEE, which being equipped with an IBAN are comparable to a current account, and the classic PostePay cards, those without an IBAN for which many citizens could ask themselves the problem of whether they should be included in the ISEE or not.
For ISEE purposes, both types of PostePay cards must be inserted, even the classic ones without IBAN.
How are PostePay included in the ISEE? PostePay Evolution cards must be entered with code 01 in the section dedicated to current accounts.
The classic PostePay prepaid cards, however, must be entered (with the code 99) in the section that concerns other financial instruments and relationships.
There is a difference between the simple prepaid card and the one with Iban regarding the balance and average balance values.
For PostePay Evolution, which has Iban, not only the balance as of 31 December 2022 (for ISEE 2024) must be entered in the DSU, but also the average annual balance.
For classic PostePay, without IBAN, however, the balance at the end of the year is enough.
What happens if you don't enter a PostePay in the ISEE? When you present a DSU that does not contain all the financial reports you risk making false declarations and possibly losing the benefits provided (with the unpleasant consequence of also having to return what you received and were not entitled to).
One thing to keep in mind when entering financial reports on the ISEE is that it is not possible to hide them from the Tax Office since the latter, having access to the tax registry, can be aware of any financial relationship of every citizen.
Therefore, if you have a PostePay card in your name, the Tax Office knows it, and if it does not find it in the ISEE it could invalidate the certification as non-compliant or missing data and the system reports the irregularity.
Keep in mind that PostePay prepaid cards must be inserted even if they have a zero or negative balance.
How to find out the balance of PostePay cards? To find out the balance and average stock of each registered PostePay card (because there may be some whose existence you have forgotten) just go to the post office and request, providing your name and tax code, the necessary documentation for the ISEE.
Alternatively, you can also find the same documentation online.
read also Giacenza Isee 2024 with Poste Italiane: how to request it for free online

Author: Hermes A.I.

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