
Weather alert for the arrival of storm Lorena, here are the most affected areas

The weather scenario in our country is about to change.
After an initial part of February accompanied by mild and sunny weather that almost felt like spring, the situation in our country is destined to change in the next few days.
The wave of high pressure that characterized the period, protecting Italy from disturbances, is destined to end, leaving the field open for the arrival of Atlantic disturbances.
All eyes are focused above all on storm Lorena which caused a lot of damage and inconvenience in the United States, bringing snow from Colorado to New Mexico and up to New England.
Having finished its presence in America, this disturbance is now about to make its arrival in Europe.
The first country affected could be France, where very intense thunderstorms with heavy rain, wind and snow cannot be ruled out.
Then it will be Italy's turn.
Let's see since when.
Bad weather is arriving in Italy: here's when and the forecasts.
The first part of the week will still be characterized by good weather and some thunderstorms only in the centre-south.
From Thursday it will start to get worse in the northern regions, especially the Alps and Liguria, but the rains will still be quite light and will not cause concern.
The real disturbances should arrive next weekend.
On Friday, rain and thunderstorms are expected in the north-east with snowfall in the central-eastern Alps.
In particular, abundant rainfall is expected in the North and heavy snowfall in the Alps with flakes up to around 500 meters above sea level in Lombardy, Trentino Alto Adige, upper Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia.
The Atlantic disturbance will also affect Sardinia and central regions, especially the Tyrrhenian side.
Snow will return to the central-northern Apennines with snow levels dropping to 1,000/1,200 metres.
The south will still remain safe from bad weather.
Between Saturday and Sunday the situation is destined to worsen in the south with an eye on the humid winds that will fuel the disturbance.
Sunday is a day to pay attention to in the central-south.
Due to the so much energy at play and the contrasts between different air masses, strong storms could occur with the risk of flooding.
Strong mistral winds will blow on Sardinia while the sirocco on the Ionian side and Puglia with gusts reaching 60-70 km/h.
On Monday it will improve in the south but the arrival of a new disturbance will bring rain to Sardinia and Liguria.
At the moment, criticality warnings and weather warnings have not yet been published by the Civil Protection.
It is likely that in the next few days, the central department may issue weather warning bulletins which may be yellow or orange depending on the intensity of the expected rainfall.
Maximum attention especially for Sunday 25 February when a clear worsening of weather conditions is expected in the centre-south and it is probable that the Civil Protection may issue a weather alert for some southern areas for Sunday.
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Author: Hermes A.I.

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